//SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0.8.0; import "hardhat/console.sol"; import "./IMoolaStakingRewards.sol"; import "./ubeswap/contracts/uniswapv2/interfaces/IUniswapV2Router02.sol"; import "./ubeswap/contracts/uniswapv2/interfaces/IUniswapV2Pair.sol"; import "./IRevoFees.sol"; import "./openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/ERC20.sol"; import "./openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/AccessControl.sol"; import "./openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/SafeERC20.sol"; contract UbeswapFarmBot is ERC20, AccessControl { using SafeERC20 for IERC20; event FeesUpdated(address indexed by, address indexed to); event ReserveUpdated(address indexed by, address indexed reserveAddress); event SlippageUpdated( address indexed by, uint256 numerator, uint256 denominator ); event Deposit(address indexed by, uint256 lpAmount); event Withdraw(address indexed by, uint256 lpAmount, uint256 fee); event Compound( address indexed by, uint256 lpStaked, uint256 newLPTotalBalance, uint256 compounderFeeAmount, uint256 reserveFeeAmount ); event GrantRole( address indexed by, address indexed newRoleRecipient, bytes32 role ); bytes32 public constant COMPOUNDER_ROLE = keccak256("COMPOUNDER_ROLE"); uint256 public lpTotalBalance; // total number of LP tokens owned by Farm Bot // fractional increase of LP balance last time compound was called. Used to calculate withdrawal fee. uint256 public interestEarnedNumerator; uint256 public interestEarnedDenominator = 10000; IMoolaStakingRewards public stakingRewards; // List of rewards tokens. The first token in this list is assumed to be the primary token; // the rest correspond to the staking reward contract's external reward tokens. The order of these tokens // is very important; the first must correspond to the MoolaStakingRewards contract's "native" reward token, // and the rest must correspond to its "external" tokens, in the same order as they appear in the contract. IERC20[] public rewardsTokens; IUniswapV2Pair public stakingToken; // LP that's being staked IERC20 public stakingToken0; // LP token0 IERC20 public stakingToken1; // LP token1 IUniswapV2Router02 public router; // Router address // Acceptable slippage when minting LP; can be updated by admin uint256 public slippageNumerator = 99; uint256 public slippageDenominator = 100; // Configurable fees contract. Determines: // - "compounder fee" for calling compound on behalf of farm investors. // - "reserve fee" sent to reserve // - "compounder bonus" (paid by reserve) for calling compound // - "withdrawal fee" for withdrawing (necessary for security, guaranteed <= 0.25%) // Note that compounder fees + reserve fees are "performance fees", meaning they are charged only on earnings. // Performance fees are guaranteed to be at most 4%, the current standard, and should be much less. IRevoFees public revoFees; uint256 public maxPerformanceFeeNumerator = 40; uint256 public maxPerformanceFeeDenominator = 1000; uint256 public maxWithdrawalFeeNumerator = 25; uint256 public maxWithdrawalFeeDenominator = 10000; address public reserveAddress; modifier ensure(uint256 deadline) { require(deadline >= block.timestamp, "FarmBot: EXPIRED"); _; } constructor( address _owner, address _reserveAddress, address _stakingRewards, address _stakingToken, address _revoFees, address _router, address[] memory _rewardsTokens, string memory _symbol ) ERC20("Revo FP Token", _symbol) { stakingRewards = IMoolaStakingRewards(_stakingRewards); for (uint256 i = 0; i < _rewardsTokens.length; i++) { rewardsTokens.push(IERC20(_rewardsTokens[i])); } revoFees = IRevoFees(_revoFees); stakingToken = IUniswapV2Pair(_stakingToken); stakingToken0 = IERC20(stakingToken.token0()); stakingToken1 = IERC20(stakingToken.token1()); reserveAddress = _reserveAddress; router = IUniswapV2Router02(_router); _setupRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE, _owner); emit GrantRole(msg.sender, _owner, DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE); } function grantRole(bytes32 role, address account) public virtual override onlyRole(getRoleAdmin(role)) { super.grantRole(role, account); emit GrantRole(msg.sender, account, role); } function updateReserveAddress(address _reserveAddress) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) { reserveAddress = _reserveAddress; emit ReserveUpdated(msg.sender, _reserveAddress); } function updateFees(address _revoFees) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) { revoFees = IRevoFees(_revoFees); emit FeesUpdated(msg.sender, _revoFees); } function updateSlippage( uint256 _slippageNumerator, uint256 _slippageDenominator ) external onlyRole(DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE) { slippageNumerator = _slippageNumerator; slippageDenominator = _slippageDenominator; emit SlippageUpdated( msg.sender, _slippageNumerator, _slippageDenominator ); } function getFpAmount(uint256 _lpAmount) public view returns (uint256) { if (lpTotalBalance == 0) { return _lpAmount; } else { return (_lpAmount * totalSupply()) / lpTotalBalance; } } function getLpAmount(uint256 _fpAmount) public view returns (uint256) { if (totalSupply() == 0) { return 0; } else { return (_fpAmount * lpTotalBalance) / totalSupply(); } } function deposit(uint256 _lpAmount) public { bool transferSuccess = stakingToken.transferFrom( msg.sender, address(this), _lpAmount ); require(transferSuccess, "Transfer failed, aborting deposit"); uint256 _fpAmount = this.getFpAmount(_lpAmount); _mint(msg.sender, _fpAmount); lpTotalBalance += _lpAmount; investInFarm(_lpAmount); emit Deposit(msg.sender, _lpAmount); } function withdrawAll() public { require(balanceOf(msg.sender) > 0, "Cannot withdraw zero balance"); uint256 _lpAmount = getLpAmount(balanceOf(msg.sender)); withdraw(_lpAmount); } function withdraw(uint256 _lpAmount) public { uint256 _fpAmount = this.getFpAmount(_lpAmount); require( balanceOf(msg.sender) >= _fpAmount, "Cannot withdraw more than the total balance of the owner" ); uint256 tokenBalance = stakingToken.balanceOf(address(this)); if (_lpAmount > tokenBalance) { stakingRewards.withdraw(_lpAmount - tokenBalance); } // fee (uint256 feeNumerator, uint256 feeDenominator) = revoFees.withdrawalFee( interestEarnedNumerator, interestEarnedDenominator ); uint256 _withdrawalFee = (feeNumerator * _lpAmount) / feeDenominator; uint256 _maxWithdrawalFee = (maxPerformanceFeeNumerator * _lpAmount) / maxPerformanceFeeDenominator; if (_withdrawalFee > _maxWithdrawalFee) { // guarantee the max fee _withdrawalFee = _maxWithdrawalFee; } bool feeSuccess = stakingToken.transfer(reserveAddress, _withdrawalFee); require(feeSuccess, "Fee failed, aborting withdrawal"); bool transferSuccess = stakingToken.transfer( msg.sender, _lpAmount - _withdrawalFee ); require(transferSuccess, "Transfer failed, aborting withdrawal"); _burn(msg.sender, _fpAmount); lpTotalBalance -= _lpAmount; emit Withdraw(msg.sender, _lpAmount, _withdrawalFee); } function investInFarm(uint256 _lpAmount) private { require(_lpAmount > 0, "Cannot invest in farm because _lpAmount is 0"); stakingToken.approve(address(stakingRewards), _lpAmount); stakingRewards.stake(_lpAmount); } // Figure out best-case scenario amount of token we can get and swap function swapForTokenInPool( address[] memory _swapPath, uint256 _startTokenBudget, IERC20 _startToken, uint256 _minAmountOut, uint256 _deadline ) private returns (uint256) { if (_swapPath.length >= 2) { _startToken.approve(address(router), _startTokenBudget); uint256[] memory _swapResultAmounts = router .swapExactTokensForTokens( _startTokenBudget, _minAmountOut, _swapPath, address(this), _deadline ); return _swapResultAmounts[_swapResultAmounts.length - 1]; } else { return _startTokenBudget; } } function addLiquidity( uint256[] memory _tokenBalances, address[][2][] memory _paths, uint256[2][] memory _minAmountsOut, uint256 _deadline ) private { uint256 _totalAmountToken0 = 0; uint256 _totalAmountToken1 = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < _tokenBalances.length; i++) { uint256 _halfTokens = _tokenBalances[i] / 2; _totalAmountToken0 += swapForTokenInPool( _paths[i][0], _halfTokens, rewardsTokens[i], _minAmountsOut[i][0], _deadline ); _totalAmountToken1 += swapForTokenInPool( _paths[i][1], _halfTokens, rewardsTokens[i], _minAmountsOut[i][1], _deadline ); } // Approve the router to spend the bot's token0/token1 stakingToken0.approve(address(router), _totalAmountToken0); stakingToken1.approve(address(router), _totalAmountToken1); // Actually add liquidity router.addLiquidity( address(stakingToken0), address(stakingToken1), _totalAmountToken0, _totalAmountToken1, (_totalAmountToken0 * slippageNumerator) / slippageDenominator, (_totalAmountToken1 * slippageNumerator) / slippageDenominator, address(this), _deadline ); } /** * The _paths parameter represents a list of paths to use when swapping each rewards token to token0/token1 of the LP. * Each top-level entry represents a pair of paths for each rewardsToken. * * Example: * // string token names used in place of addresses for readability * rewardsTokens = ['cUSD', 'Celo', 'UBE'] * stakingTokens = ['cEUR', 'MOO'] * paths = [ * [ // paths from cUSD to staking tokens * ['cUSD', 'cEUR'], // order matters here (need first staking token first) * ['cUSD', 'mcUSD', 'MOO'] * ], * [ // paths from Celo to staking tokens * ... * ], * [ // paths from UBE to staking tokens * ... * ] * ] * * The _minAmountsOut parameter represents a list of minimum amounts for token0/token1 we expect to receive when swapping * each rewardsToken. If we do not receive at least this much of token0/token1 for some swap, the transaction will revert. * If a path corresponding to some swap has length < 2, the minimum amount specified for that swap will be ignored. */ function compound( address[][2][] memory _paths, uint256[2][] memory _minAmountsOut, uint256 _deadline ) public ensure(_deadline) onlyRole(COMPOUNDER_ROLE) { require( _paths.length == rewardsTokens.length, "Parameter _paths must have length equal to rewardsTokens" ); require( _minAmountsOut.length == rewardsTokens.length, "Parameter _minAmountsOut must have length equal to rewardsTokens" ); stakingRewards.getReward(); uint256[] memory _tokenBalances = new uint256[](rewardsTokens.length); for (uint256 i = 0; i < rewardsTokens.length; i++) { _tokenBalances[i] = rewardsTokens[i].balanceOf(address(this)); } // Perform swaps and add liquidity addLiquidity(_tokenBalances, _paths, _minAmountsOut, _deadline); // send fees to compounder and reserve uint256 lpBalance = stakingToken.balanceOf(address(this)); uint256 compounderFee = revoFees.compounderFee(lpBalance); uint256 reserveFee = revoFees.reserveFee(lpBalance); require( compounderFee + reserveFee <= (lpBalance * maxPerformanceFeeNumerator) / maxPerformanceFeeDenominator, "Performance fee too high" ); bool compounderFeeSuccess = stakingToken.transfer( msg.sender, compounderFee ); bool reserveFeeSuccess = stakingToken.transfer( reserveAddress, reserveFee ); require( compounderFeeSuccess && reserveFeeSuccess, "Sending fees failed" ); // reinvest LPs and adjust FP weight uint256 lpEarnings = lpBalance - compounderFee - reserveFee; investInFarm(lpEarnings); lpTotalBalance += lpEarnings; // update interest rate interestEarnedNumerator = (lpEarnings * interestEarnedDenominator) / lpTotalBalance; revoFees.issueCompounderBonus(msg.sender); emit Compound( msg.sender, lpEarnings, lpTotalBalance, compounderFee, reserveFee ); } }