// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity >=0.8.19; import { wrap } from "./Casting.sol"; import { SD59x18 } from "./ValueType.sol"; /// @notice Implements the checked addition operation (+) in the SD59x18 type. function add(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { return wrap(x.unwrap() + y.unwrap()); } /// @notice Implements the AND (&) bitwise operation in the SD59x18 type. function and(SD59x18 x, int256 bits) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { return wrap(x.unwrap() & bits); } /// @notice Implements the AND (&) bitwise operation in the SD59x18 type. function and2(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { return wrap(x.unwrap() & y.unwrap()); } /// @notice Implements the equal (=) operation in the SD59x18 type. function eq(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (bool result) { result = x.unwrap() == y.unwrap(); } /// @notice Implements the greater than operation (>) in the SD59x18 type. function gt(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (bool result) { result = x.unwrap() > y.unwrap(); } /// @notice Implements the greater than or equal to operation (>=) in the SD59x18 type. function gte(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (bool result) { result = x.unwrap() >= y.unwrap(); } /// @notice Implements a zero comparison check function in the SD59x18 type. function isZero(SD59x18 x) pure returns (bool result) { result = x.unwrap() == 0; } /// @notice Implements the left shift operation (<<) in the SD59x18 type. function lshift(SD59x18 x, uint256 bits) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { result = wrap(x.unwrap() << bits); } /// @notice Implements the lower than operation (<) in the SD59x18 type. function lt(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (bool result) { result = x.unwrap() < y.unwrap(); } /// @notice Implements the lower than or equal to operation (<=) in the SD59x18 type. function lte(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (bool result) { result = x.unwrap() <= y.unwrap(); } /// @notice Implements the unchecked modulo operation (%) in the SD59x18 type. function mod(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { result = wrap(x.unwrap() % y.unwrap()); } /// @notice Implements the not equal operation (!=) in the SD59x18 type. function neq(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (bool result) { result = x.unwrap() != y.unwrap(); } /// @notice Implements the NOT (~) bitwise operation in the SD59x18 type. function not(SD59x18 x) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { result = wrap(~x.unwrap()); } /// @notice Implements the OR (|) bitwise operation in the SD59x18 type. function or(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { result = wrap(x.unwrap() | y.unwrap()); } /// @notice Implements the right shift operation (>>) in the SD59x18 type. function rshift(SD59x18 x, uint256 bits) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { result = wrap(x.unwrap() >> bits); } /// @notice Implements the checked subtraction operation (-) in the SD59x18 type. function sub(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { result = wrap(x.unwrap() - y.unwrap()); } /// @notice Implements the checked unary minus operation (-) in the SD59x18 type. function unary(SD59x18 x) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { result = wrap(-x.unwrap()); } /// @notice Implements the unchecked addition operation (+) in the SD59x18 type. function uncheckedAdd(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { unchecked { result = wrap(x.unwrap() + y.unwrap()); } } /// @notice Implements the unchecked subtraction operation (-) in the SD59x18 type. function uncheckedSub(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { unchecked { result = wrap(x.unwrap() - y.unwrap()); } } /// @notice Implements the unchecked unary minus operation (-) in the SD59x18 type. function uncheckedUnary(SD59x18 x) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { unchecked { result = wrap(-x.unwrap()); } } /// @notice Implements the XOR (^) bitwise operation in the SD59x18 type. function xor(SD59x18 x, SD59x18 y) pure returns (SD59x18 result) { result = wrap(x.unwrap() ^ y.unwrap()); }