pragma solidity ^0.6.0; pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2; /// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later library SafeMath { // arithmetic wrapper for unit under/overflow check function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a); return c; } function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b); return c; } function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0); uint256 c = a / b; return c; } } interface IERC721 { function ownerOf(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (address owner); function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external; } library Utilities { // concat two bytes objects function concat(bytes memory a, bytes memory b) internal pure returns (bytes memory) { return abi.encodePacked(a, b); } // convert address to bytes function toBytes(address x) internal pure returns (bytes memory b) { b = new bytes(20); for (uint i = 0; i < 20; i++) b[i] = byte(uint8(uint(x) / (2**(8*(19 - i))))); } // convert uint256 to bytes function toBytes(uint256 x) internal pure returns (bytes memory b) { b = new bytes(32); assembly { mstore(add(b, 32), x) } } function append(string memory a, string memory b) internal pure returns (string memory) { return string(abi.encodePacked(a, b)); } } contract GAMMA { // Γ - mv - NFT - mkt - γ using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 public constant GAMMA_MAX = 5772156649015328606065120900824024310421; uint256 public totalSupply; string public name = "GAMMA"; string public symbol = "GAMMA"; string public gRoyaltiesURI; mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf; mapping(uint256 => address) public getApproved; mapping(uint256 => address) public ownerOf; mapping(uint256 => uint256) public tokenByIndex; mapping(uint256 => string) public tokenURI; mapping(uint256 => Sale) public sale; mapping(bytes4 => bool) public supportsInterface; // eip-165 mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public isApprovedForAll; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public tokenOfOwnerByIndex; mapping(uint256 => address payable) public gRoyaltiesByTokenId; event Approval(address indexed approver, address indexed spender, uint256 indexed tokenId); event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId); event UpdateSale(uint256 indexed ethPrice, uint256 indexed tokenId, uint8 forSale); struct Sale { uint256 ethPrice; uint8 forSale; } constructor (string memory _gRoyaltiesURI) public { supportsInterface[0x80ac58cd] = true; // ERC721 supportsInterface[0x5b5e139f] = true; // METADATA supportsInterface[0x780e9d63] = true; // ENUMERABLE gRoyaltiesURI = _gRoyaltiesURI; } function approve(address spender, uint256 tokenId) external { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId] || isApprovedForAll[ownerOf[tokenId]][msg.sender], "!owner/operator"); getApproved[tokenId] = spender; emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, tokenId); } function mint(uint256 ethPrice, string calldata _tokenURI, uint8 forSale, address creator) external { totalSupply++; require(totalSupply <= GAMMA_MAX, "maxed"); uint256 tokenId = totalSupply; balanceOf[msg.sender]++; ownerOf[tokenId] = msg.sender; tokenByIndex[tokenId - 1] = tokenId; tokenURI[tokenId] = _tokenURI; sale[tokenId].ethPrice = ethPrice; sale[tokenId].forSale = forSale; tokenOfOwnerByIndex[msg.sender][tokenId - 1] = tokenId; // mint royalties token and transfer to artist gRoyalties g = new gRoyalties();, " Royalties Token"), gRoyaltiesURI); g.transfer(creator, 1); gRoyaltiesByTokenId[tokenId] = address(g); emit Transfer(address(0), msg.sender, tokenId); emit UpdateSale(ethPrice, tokenId, forSale); } function purchase(uint256 tokenId) payable external { require(msg.value == sale[tokenId].ethPrice, "!ethPrice"); require(sale[tokenId].forSale == 1, "!forSale"); uint256 royalties = sale[tokenId].ethPrice.div(10); (bool success, ) = gRoyaltiesByTokenId[tokenId].call{value: royalties}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); uint256 payout = sale[tokenId].ethPrice.sub(royalties); (success, ) = ownerOf[tokenId].call{value: payout}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); _transfer(ownerOf[tokenId], msg.sender, tokenId); } function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) external { isApprovedForAll[msg.sender][operator] = approved; emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, operator, approved); } function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) internal { balanceOf[from]--; balanceOf[to]++; getApproved[tokenId] = address(0); ownerOf[tokenId] = to; sale[tokenId].forSale = 0; tokenOfOwnerByIndex[from][tokenId - 1] = 0; tokenOfOwnerByIndex[to][tokenId - 1] = tokenId; emit Transfer(from, to, tokenId); } function transfer(address to, uint256 tokenId) external { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId], "!owner"); _transfer(msg.sender, to, tokenId); } function transferBatch(address[] calldata to, uint256[] calldata tokenId) external { require(to.length == tokenId.length, "!to/tokenId"); for (uint256 i = 0; i < to.length; i++) { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId[i]], "!owner"); _transfer(msg.sender, to[i], tokenId[i]); } } function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId] || getApproved[tokenId] == msg.sender || isApprovedForAll[ownerOf[tokenId]][msg.sender], "!owner/spender/operator"); _transfer(from, to, tokenId); } function updateSale(uint256 ethPrice, uint256 tokenId, uint8 forSale) payable external { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId], "!owner"); sale[tokenId].ethPrice = ethPrice; sale[tokenId].forSale = forSale; emit UpdateSale(ethPrice, tokenId, forSale); } } contract gRoyalties { // Γ - mv - NFT - mkt - γ uint256 public totalSupply = 1; string public name; string public symbol= "gRoyalties"; mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf; mapping(uint256 => address) public getApproved; mapping(uint256 => address) public ownerOf; mapping(uint256 => uint256) public tokenByIndex; mapping(uint256 => string) public tokenURI; mapping(uint256 => Sale) public sale; mapping(bytes4 => bool) public supportsInterface; // eip-165 mapping(address => mapping(address => bool)) public isApprovedForAll; mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public tokenOfOwnerByIndex; event Approval(address indexed approver, address indexed spender, uint256 indexed tokenId); event ApprovalForAll(address indexed owner, address indexed operator, bool approved); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 indexed tokenId); event UpdateSale(uint256 indexed ethPrice, uint256 indexed tokenId, bool forSale); struct Sale { uint256 ethPrice; bool forSale; } constructor () public { supportsInterface[0x80ac58cd] = true; // ERC721 supportsInterface[0x5b5e139f] = true; // METADATA supportsInterface[0x780e9d63] = true; // ENUMERABLE } function approve(address spender, uint256 tokenId) external { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId] || isApprovedForAll[ownerOf[tokenId]][msg.sender], "!owner/operator"); getApproved[tokenId] = spender; emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, tokenId); } function mint(string calldata _name, string calldata _tokenURI) external { name = _name; // use totalSupply as tokenId balanceOf[msg.sender]++; ownerOf[totalSupply] = msg.sender; tokenByIndex[totalSupply - 1] = totalSupply; tokenURI[totalSupply] = _tokenURI; tokenOfOwnerByIndex[msg.sender][totalSupply - 1] = totalSupply; emit Transfer(address(0), msg.sender, totalSupply); } function purchase(uint256 tokenId) payable external { require(msg.value == sale[tokenId].ethPrice, "!ethPrice"); require(sale[tokenId].forSale, "!forSale"); (bool success, ) = ownerOf[tokenId].call{value: msg.value}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); _transfer(ownerOf[tokenId], msg.sender, tokenId); } function setApprovalForAll(address operator, bool approved) external { isApprovedForAll[msg.sender][operator] = approved; emit ApprovalForAll(msg.sender, operator, approved); } function _transfer(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) internal { balanceOf[from]--; balanceOf[to]++; getApproved[tokenId] = address(0); ownerOf[tokenId] = to; sale[tokenId].forSale = false; tokenOfOwnerByIndex[from][tokenId - 1] = 0; tokenOfOwnerByIndex[to][tokenId - 1] = tokenId; emit Transfer(from, to, tokenId); } function transfer(address to, uint256 tokenId) external { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId], "!owner"); _transfer(msg.sender, to, tokenId); } function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint256 tokenId) external { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId] || getApproved[tokenId] == msg.sender || isApprovedForAll[ownerOf[tokenId]][msg.sender], "!owner/spender/operator"); _transfer(from, to, tokenId); } function updateSale(uint256 ethPrice, uint256 tokenId, bool forSale) payable external { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[tokenId], "!owner"); sale[tokenId].ethPrice = ethPrice; sale[tokenId].forSale = forSale; emit UpdateSale(ethPrice, tokenId, forSale); } function withdraw() payable public { require(msg.sender == ownerOf[totalSupply], "!owner"); (bool success, ) ={value: address(this).balance}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); } receive() external payable { require( ==0); } } contract LiteToken { // minimal viable erc20 token with common extensions, such as burn, cap, mint, pauseable, admin functions address public owner; string public name; string public symbol; uint8 public decimals; uint256 public totalSupply; uint256 public totalSupplyCap; bool public transferable; event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint256 value); event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 amount); mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance; mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf; constructor(string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint8 _decimals, address _owner, uint256 _initialSupply, uint256 _totalSupplyCap, bool _transferable) public {require(_initialSupply <= _totalSupplyCap, "capped"); name = _name; symbol = _symbol; decimals = _decimals; owner = _owner; totalSupply = _initialSupply; totalSupplyCap = _totalSupplyCap; transferable = _transferable; balanceOf[owner] = totalSupply; emit Transfer(address(0), owner, totalSupply);} function approve(address spender, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) {require(amount == 0 || allowance[msg.sender][spender] == 0); allowance[msg.sender][spender] = amount; emit Approval(msg.sender, spender, amount); return true;} function burn(uint256 amount) external {balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender] - amount; totalSupply = totalSupply - amount; emit Transfer(msg.sender, address(0), amount);} function mint(address recipient, uint256 amount) external {require(msg.sender == owner, "!owner"); require(totalSupply + amount <= totalSupplyCap, "capped"); balanceOf[recipient] = balanceOf[recipient] + amount; totalSupply = totalSupply + amount; emit Transfer(address(0), recipient, amount);} function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) {require(transferable == true); balanceOf[msg.sender] = balanceOf[msg.sender] - amount; balanceOf[recipient] = balanceOf[recipient] + amount; emit Transfer(msg.sender, recipient, amount); return true;} function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) external returns (bool) {require(transferable == true); balanceOf[sender] = balanceOf[sender] - amount; balanceOf[recipient] = balanceOf[recipient] + amount; allowance[sender][msg.sender] = allowance[sender][msg.sender] - amount; emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); return true;} function transferOwner(address _owner) external {require(msg.sender == owner, "!owner"); owner = _owner;} function updateTransferability(bool _transferable) external {require(msg.sender == owner, "!owner"); transferable = _transferable;} } contract MolVault { using SafeMath for uint256; address vault = address(this); address payable[] public owners; address payable[] public whitelist; address payable[] public bidOwners; address payable[] public proposedOwners; address payable public bidder; uint8 public numConfirmationsRequired; uint8 public numWithdrawalConfirmations; uint8 public numSaleConfirmations; uint8 public numProposedOwnersConfirmations; uint256 public bid; uint256 public gammaSupply; uint256 public fundingGoal; uint256 public fundingGoalPerc = 100; // bytes[] public depositTokens; GAMMA public gamma; // Vault Shares LiteToken vaultShares; uint256 public airdrop = 100000000000000000000; uint256 public circulatedShares; uint8 public isFunded; address payable[] public fundingCollectors; // Fees uint8 public percFeeToFundingCollectors = 5; uint8 public percFeeToWhitelist = 5; struct Sale { address sender; uint8 forSale; // 1 = sale active, 0 = sale inactive uint256 ethPrice; uint256 tokenPrice; } mapping (bytes => bool) public NFTs; mapping (bytes => Sale) public sale; mapping (address => bool) public isOwner; mapping (address => bool) public isWhitelisted; mapping (address => bool) public withdrawalConfirmed; mapping (address => bool) public saleConfirmed; mapping (address => bool) public proposedOwnersConfirmed; mapping (address => uint) public fundingCollectorPerc; constructor(address payable[] memory _owners, uint8 _numConfirmationsRequired, string memory _name, string memory _symbol, uint256 _fundingGoal, string memory _gRoyaltiesURI) public { require(_owners.length > 0, "owners required"); require(_numConfirmationsRequired > 0 && _numConfirmationsRequired <= _owners.length, "invalid number of required confirmations"); for (uint i = 0; i < _owners.length; i++) { address payable owner = _owners[i]; require(owner != address(0), "invalid owner"); require(!isOwner[owner], "owner not unique"); isOwner[owner] = true; owners.push(owner); isWhitelisted[owner] = true; whitelist.push(owner); } numConfirmationsRequired = _numConfirmationsRequired; fundingGoal = _fundingGoal; vaultShares = new LiteToken(_name, _symbol, 18, vault, 0, 1000000000000000000000000, false); gamma = new GAMMA(_gRoyaltiesURI); } modifier onlyOwners() { require(isOwner[msg.sender], "!owner"); _; } modifier onlyWhitelisted() { require(isWhitelisted[msg.sender], "!whitelisted"); _; } function mint(uint256 _ethPrice, uint256 _tokenPrice, string memory _tokenURI, uint8 _forSale) public onlyWhitelisted{ gammaSupply++;, _tokenURI, _forSale, msg.sender); bytes memory tokenKey = getTokenKey(address(gamma), gammaSupply); NFTs[tokenKey] = true; sale[tokenKey].sender = msg.sender; sale[tokenKey].ethPrice = _ethPrice; sale[tokenKey].tokenPrice = _tokenPrice; sale[tokenKey].forSale = _forSale;, airdrop.mul(2)); circulatedShares += airdrop.mul(2); } // function deposit( // address _tokenAddress, // uint256 _tokenId, // uint256 _ethPrice, // uint256 _tokenPrice, // uint8 _forSale) // public onlyWhitelisted { // require(IERC721(_tokenAddress).ownerOf(_tokenId) == msg.sender, "!owner"); // bytes memory tokenKey = getTokenKey(_tokenAddress, _tokenId); // // Deposit NFT // depositTokens.push(tokenKey); // NFTs[tokenKey] = true; // IERC721(_tokenAddress).transferFrom(msg.sender, vault, _tokenId); // // Set sale status // sale[tokenKey].sender = msg.sender; // sale[tokenKey].ethPrice = _ethPrice; // sale[tokenKey].tokenPrice = _tokenPrice; // sale[tokenKey].forSale = _forSale; // } function distributeFeeToFundingCollectors(uint256 fee) private { for (uint i = 0; i < fundingCollectors.length; i++) { uint split = (fundingCollectorPerc[fundingCollectors[i]].mul(fee)).div(100); (bool success, ) = fundingCollectors[i].call{value: split}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); } } function distributeFeeToWhitelist(uint256 fee) private { for (uint i = 0; i < whitelist.length; i++) { uint split = fee.div(whitelist.length); (bool success, ) = whitelist[i].call{value: split}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); } } function purchase(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _tokenId) public payable { bytes memory tokenKey = getTokenKey(_tokenAddress, _tokenId); require(sale[tokenKey].forSale == 1, "!sale"); require(sale[tokenKey].sender != msg.sender, 'Sender cannot buy!'); require(!isOwner[msg.sender], "Owners cannot buy!"); uint256 feeToFundingCollectors = sale[tokenKey].ethPrice.mul(percFeeToFundingCollectors).div(1000); uint256 feeToWhitelist = sale[tokenKey].ethPrice.mul(percFeeToWhitelist).div(1000); require((sale[tokenKey].ethPrice + feeToFundingCollectors + feeToWhitelist) == msg.value, "!price"); if (fundingGoalPerc > 0) { // check if fundingCollector if (fundingCollectorPerc[msg.sender] == 0) { fundingCollectors.push(msg.sender); uint perc = msg.value.mul(100).div(fundingGoal); if (perc > fundingGoalPerc) { fundingCollectorPerc[msg.sender] = fundingGoalPerc; fundingGoalPerc = 0; } else { fundingCollectorPerc[msg.sender] = perc; fundingGoalPerc = fundingGoalPerc - perc; } } (bool success, ) ={value: sale[tokenKey].ethPrice}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); } else { isFunded = 1; (bool success, ) ={value: sale[tokenKey].ethPrice}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); distributeFeeToFundingCollectors(feeToFundingCollectors); distributeFeeToWhitelist(feeToWhitelist);, airdrop); circulatedShares += airdrop; } IERC721(_tokenAddress).transferFrom(vault, msg.sender, _tokenId); sale[tokenKey].forSale = 0; NFTs[tokenKey] = false; } function tokenPurchase(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _tokenId) public payable { bytes memory tokenKey = getTokenKey(_tokenAddress, _tokenId); require(sale[tokenKey].forSale == 1, "!sale"); require(vaultShares.balanceOf(msg.sender) >= sale[tokenKey].tokenPrice, "!price"); require(!isOwner[msg.sender], "Owners cannot buy!"); vaultShares.updateTransferability(true); vaultShares.transferFrom(msg.sender, vault, sale[tokenKey].tokenPrice); vaultShares.updateTransferability(false); IERC721(_tokenAddress).transferFrom(vault, msg.sender, _tokenId); sale[tokenKey].forSale == 0; NFTs[tokenKey] = false; } function updateSale(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _tokenId, uint256 _ethPrice, uint256 _tokenPrice, uint8 _forSale) public { bytes memory tokenKey = getTokenKey(_tokenAddress, _tokenId); require(sale[tokenKey].sender == msg.sender, "!sender"); sale[tokenKey].ethPrice = _ethPrice; sale[tokenKey].tokenPrice = _tokenPrice; sale[tokenKey].forSale = _forSale; } function confirmSale() public onlyOwners { require(!saleConfirmed[msg.sender], 'Msg.sender already confirmed vault sale!'); numSaleConfirmations++; saleConfirmed[msg.sender] = true; } function revokeSale() public onlyOwners { require(saleConfirmed[msg.sender], 'Msg.sender did not confirm vault sale!'); numSaleConfirmations--; saleConfirmed[msg.sender] = false; } function bidVault(address payable[] memory _newOwners) public payable { require(msg.value > bid, 'You must bid higher than the existing bid!'); require(_newOwners.length > 0, "There must be at least one new owner!"); (bool success, ) ={value: bid}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); bidder = msg.sender; bid = msg.value; bidOwners = _newOwners; } function withdrawBid() public { require(bidder == msg.sender, '!bidder'); (bool success, ) ={value: bid}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); bidder = msg.sender; bid = 0; bidOwners = [address(0)]; } function sellVault() public onlyOwners { require(numSaleConfirmations >= numConfirmationsRequired, "!numConfirmationsRequired"); uint256 cut = (bid / owners.length); // Reset sale confirmations for (uint8 i = 0; i < owners.length; i++) { (bool success, ) = owners[i].call{value: cut}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); saleConfirmed[owners[i]] = false; numSaleConfirmations = 0; } // Clear ownership for (uint8 i = 0; i < owners.length; i++) { isOwner[owners[i]] = false; } // Transition ownership owners = bidOwners; for (uint8 i = 0; i < owners.length; i++) { isOwner[owners[i]] = true; } // Clear whitelist for (uint8 i = 0; i < whitelist.length; i++) { isWhitelisted[whitelist[i]] = false; } // Reset bid and bidder bidder = address(0); bid = 0; } function confirmWithdrawal() public onlyOwners { require(!withdrawalConfirmed[msg.sender], 'Withdrawal already confirmed!'); numWithdrawalConfirmations++; withdrawalConfirmed[msg.sender] = true; } function revokeWithdrawal() public onlyOwners { require(withdrawalConfirmed[msg.sender], 'Withdrawal not confirmed!'); numWithdrawalConfirmations--; withdrawalConfirmed[msg.sender] = false; } function executeWithdrawal() public onlyOwners { require(isFunded == 1, "Vault shares not minted!"); require(numWithdrawalConfirmations >= numConfirmationsRequired, "!numConfirmationsRequired"); uint256 cut = (address(this).balance / owners.length); for (uint8 i = 0; i < owners.length; i++){ (bool success, ) = owners[i].call{value: cut}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); withdrawalConfirmed[owners[i]] = false; numWithdrawalConfirmations = 0; } } function addToWhitelist(address payable[] memory _address) public onlyOwners { for (uint8 i = 0; i < _address.length; i++) { address payable newAddress = _address[i]; require(!isWhitelisted[newAddress], "Already whitelisted!"); isWhitelisted[newAddress] = true; whitelist.push(newAddress); } } function removeFromWhitelist(address[] memory _address) public onlyOwners { for (uint8 i = 0; i < _address.length; i++) { address newAddress = _address[i]; require(isWhitelisted[newAddress], "No address to remove!"); isWhitelisted[newAddress] = false; for (uint8 j = 0; j < whitelist.length; j++) { if (newAddress == whitelist[j]) { whitelist[j] = address(0); } } } } function getWhitelist() public view returns (address[] memory) { address[] memory roster = new address[](whitelist.length); for (uint i = 0; i < whitelist.length; i++) { roster[i] = whitelist[i]; } return roster; } function getFundingCollectors() public view returns (address[] memory) { address[] memory funders = new address[](fundingCollectors.length); for (uint i = 0; i < fundingCollectors.length; i++) { funders[i] = fundingCollectors[i]; } return funders; } function getBidOwners() public view returns (address[] memory) { address[] memory nOwners = new address[](bidOwners.length); for (uint i = 0; i < bidOwners.length; i++) { nOwners[i] = bidOwners[i]; } return nOwners; } function getProposedOwners() public view returns (address[] memory) { address[] memory nOwners = new address[](proposedOwners.length); for (uint i = 0; i < proposedOwners.length; i++) { nOwners[i] = proposedOwners[i]; } return nOwners; } // function getDepositTokens() public view returns (bytes[] memory) { // bytes[] memory tokens = new bytes[](depositTokens.length); // for (uint i = 0; i < depositTokens.length; i++) { // tokens[i] = depositTokens[i]; // } // return tokens; // } function removeGamma(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _tokenId) public onlyOwners { IERC721(_tokenAddress).transferFrom(vault, msg.sender, _tokenId); } function updateAirdrop(uint256 amount) public onlyOwners { airdrop = amount; } function updateFeeDistribution(uint8 _percFeeToFundingCollectors, uint8 _percFeeToWhitelist) public onlyOwners { percFeeToFundingCollectors = _percFeeToFundingCollectors; percFeeToWhitelist = _percFeeToWhitelist; } // Update community organizers function proposeOwners(address payable[] memory _newOwners) public onlyOwners { require(_newOwners.length > 0, '!_newOwners'); proposedOwners = _newOwners; } function confirmOwnersUpdate() public onlyOwners { require(!proposedOwnersConfirmed[msg.sender], 'Already confirmed proposed owners!'); require(proposedOwners.length > 0, '!newProposedOwners'); numProposedOwnersConfirmations++; proposedOwnersConfirmed[msg.sender] = true; } function revokeOwnersUpdate() public onlyOwners { require(proposedOwnersConfirmed[msg.sender], 'Proposed owners not yet confirmed!'); numProposedOwnersConfirmations--; proposedOwnersConfirmed[msg.sender] = false; } function updateOwners() public onlyOwners { require(numProposedOwnersConfirmations >= numConfirmationsRequired, "!numConfirmationsRequired"); // Clear ownership for (uint8 i = 0; i < owners.length; i++) { isOwner[owners[i]] = false; } // Transition ownership owners = proposedOwners; for (uint8 i = 0; i < owners.length; i++) { isOwner[owners[i]] = true; } for (uint8 i = 0; i < proposedOwners.length; i++) { proposedOwners[i] = address(0); } } function redeemFunds() public onlyWhitelisted { require(vaultShares.balanceOf(msg.sender) > 0, 'No vaultShares to redeem!'); require(isFunded == 1, 'Vault not funded!'); uint256 availableFunds = address(this).balance.sub(fundingGoal); uint256 prorata = (vaultShares.balanceOf(msg.sender)).mul(100).div(circulatedShares); (bool success, ) ={value: availableFunds.mul(prorata).div(100)}(""); require(success, "!transfer"); vaultShares.updateTransferability(true); vaultShares.transferFrom(msg.sender, vault, vaultShares.balanceOf(msg.sender)); vaultShares.updateTransferability(false); circulatedShares -= vaultShares.balanceOf(msg.sender); } // Function for getting the document key for a given NFT address + tokenId function getTokenKey(address tokenAddress, uint256 tokenId) public pure returns (bytes memory) { return Utilities.concat(Utilities.toBytes(tokenAddress), Utilities.toBytes(tokenId)); } receive() external payable { require( ==0); } }